
Adrian excavating context [1275]

Since I started working with the company one month ago, I have learnt a lot of things about English archaeological work procedures. At the beginning it was hard but, thanks to the help and patience of the whole team, I am getting used to it and I am becoming more confident in my daily tasks.

The site at Prescot Street is very interesting, as it is the first time I have excavated a Roman cemetery, so there is no day that I finish without learning something new. Sometimes we have to do a very hard job as part of our daily archaeological duty but it is very comfortable when I finish a task and I see that the job has been well done.

The most exciting thing I have done this month was to excavate a Roman inhumation where there was a skeleton Context: 1275, which makes me proud of being part of the very good work the L – P team is doing here. Besides, I dug other things like a cremation Context: 1385 and different features with a lot of Roman pottery and other stuff.

To sum up, I can say that I am very happy to be working on such a huge project and I hope to find out more other interesting things as I did up to now…..