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Record View

  • PCO06
  • 51

Basic Information

  • Cremation. Cut, Fill.
  • 982


  • Context: PCO06_981
    • Fill of poss. cremation pit 982
  • Context: PCO06_982
    • Cut of pit probably dug for cremation fill (981).

Subgroup Narrative Text

    • Context (967) sealed (981) a possible cremation fill in cut [982]. Cut [982] was fairly diffuse. It did contain a fill with charcoal, burnt bone, and pottery, a few nails. It is also located within an area with two cremation urns and a lot of burnt bone. [982] was dug into (1099), a disturbed cremation deposit, sampled as <49>.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 10-12-2010

Dating Narrative

    • No datable finds were recovered from this feature, but given its stratigraphic position and function, it is seen as Roman.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 17-12-2010

Subgroup Plan


  • Strat. Group: PCO06_88
    • Series of cremations