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Basic Information

  • Secondary fills of [639].


  • Context: PCO06_101
    • Post med pit fill
  • Context: PCO06_103
    • Secondary fill of 102
  • Context: PCO06_105
    • Fill of 102, truncated
  • Context: PCO06_106
    • Fill of 102, truncated
  • Context: PCO06_632
    • Mid brown green clayey silt in 639
  • Context: PCO06_633
    • Gravel layer in 639
  • Context: PCO06_634
    • Dump layer in 639
  • Context: PCO06_635
    • Light brown clay dep. in 639
  • Context: PCO06_636
    • Dark brown layer in 639
  • Context: PCO06_637
    • Organic rich fill in 639
  • Context: PCO06_638
    • Grey organic fill in 639

Subgroup Narrative Text

    • Context (756), a dump of dirty gravels, sealed (632), the latest back fill of Post Medieval quarry pit [639]. This overlay (633), further back fill deposits. Context (633) overlay, (634) which was a mixed clay-silt deposit with a range of inclusions such as brick and tile, pot, animal bone, and iron. It was the same deposit as (101), (105), and (106), from the evaluation. This sealed (635), a dumped deposit of mixed landfill, which in turn overlay context relatively barren deposit (636). Underlying this was (637), a very dark greyish brown and very dark grey clayey-silt deposit that held occasional inclusions of leather fragments, derived from leather working waste. Context (637) was seen as the same as deposit (103), recorded during the evaluation. This overlay (638), a sandy silt deposit with occasional pot and bone inclusions. Underlying (638) was (642), the very organic rich clayey silt deposit that formed the earliest back fill deposit of quarry pit [639].
      • Chaz Morse
    • 6-7-2011

Dating Narrative

    • This subgroup is fairly large, this is due to the relatively tight dating and common function of all these deposits within the same feature. Context (632) held 26 pot sherds, 23 of which were dated to 1550-1600AD, and three of which were dated to 1350-1500AD. Deposit (634) produced 11 sherds, ten of which were dated to 1480-1600AD, and one dated to 1300-1350AD. Context (636) also yielded pot sherds, ten of which were dated to 1480-1600AD, and one dated to 1400-1500AD. Deposit (637) had two sherds dated to 1480-1600AD, and (638) had 17 sherds, 12 of which were dated to 1500-1600AD, with the remaining 5 dated to 1400-1500AD. Contexts (633) and (635) did not produce any datable finds. The finds dated 1300-1500AD are seen as residual.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 6-7-2011

Subgroup Plan


  • Strat. Group: PCO06_26
    • Backfill deposits of large pit