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Basic Information

  • Metalled surface and associated layers

Sub Groups

  • Sub Group: PCO06_463
    • Metaled surface and associated bedding layers
  • Sub Group: PCO06_704
    • Metaled surface

Group Description

    • Layer (1454) overlay (1463), a metaled layer - possibly same as (1443) but separated by truncation. Contexts (1459) and (1462) formed the bedding layers for the metaled surface, and (1462) overlay (1447), the fill of pit [1446]. Pit cut [1512] was dug into (1443), a metaled surface. This could possibly have functioned as some sort of yard surface. Its full extension is unknown because of truncations to the north and west. The surface appeared to slope down towards the east. This layer overlay (1447), the fill of [1446].
      • Chaz Morse
    • 27-10-2011
    • Layer (1454) overlay (1463), a metaled layer - possibly same as (1443) but separated by truncation. Contexts (1459) and (1462) formed the bedding layers for the metaled surface, and (1462) overlay (1447), the fill of pit [1446].
      • Chaz Morse
    • 27-10-2011

Dating Information

    • A total of 13 pot sherds were recovered from (1462), all of which were dated to 150-400AD. Two pot sherds were recovered from (1463), both of which were dated to 120-150AD. A total of 17 pot sherds were recovered from layer (1443), all of which were dated to 250-400AD. This indicates that these layers were relatively late in the Roman activity on the site area, with the limited number of earlier dated pieces being seen as residual.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 27-10-2011