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Basic Information

  • Gully and associated post hole - seen as part of Structure 1.

Sub Groups

  • Sub Group: PCO06_465
    • Gully and associated fill
  • Sub Group: PCO06_467
    • Posthole cut and fill

Group Description

    • Underlying the Post Medieval agricultural soils lay (1494), the fill of post hole [1493], which was cut into (1407), the fill of box drain [1406]. Stratigraphically underlying [2014] and [1493] lay (1502) a probable overflow from box-drain [1406], which held fill (1407). It looked as though the cut for the box drain was fed by [1483] which was a gully, but the meeting point between the two features was truncated by Post Medieval ditch [1701]. Cuts [1406] and [1483] were dug into metaled surface (1454).
      • Chaz Morse
    • 27-10-2011

Dating Information

    • A total of nine pot sherds were recovered from fill (1494) all of which were dated to 120-160AD. A total of 36 pot sherds were recovered from (1407), all of which were dated to 150-400AD, and 23 pot sherds were recovered from (1502), which were all dated to 120-140AD. This discrepancy in dates could indicate that the gully was used continually until the end of the Roman period. However given its stratigraphic position, this feature is seen as late Roman, and the earlier dated pot sherds are seen as residual. This is a fairly large number of sherds to be seen as residual. But given the length of the feature, it is possible that such a number could have been on the surface as debitage, and that they would eventually end up in the linear feature.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 27-10-2011