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Record View

Basic Information

  • Burial. Cut, Skeleton, Fill.
  • 335 334


  • Context: PCO06_334
    • Upper rib cage of skeleton - the rest = truncated
  • Context: PCO06_335
    • Grave cut holding 336
  • Context: PCO06_336
    • Grave fill of 335

Subgroup Narrative Text

    • Stratigraphically below pit cut [337] was (336), the fill of grave cut [335], which was dug for burial 334. The excavation of grave fill (336), revealed a heavily truncated and fragile skeleton of a juvenile lying supine within the grave. Only the upper two thirds of the torso remained, with the remainder of the skeleton having been truncated by soak-away construction cut [302]. This was further demonstrated by the presence of poorly preserved human remains in (322) the construction back fill of [302]. The skeletal elements that were recovered from (322) corresponded to those of 334 that were absent through truncation, and although it is not certain that they were from this burial, it is likely. The fragile nature of the bones from the in situ burial, and those from the construction cut back fill, are arguably explained through their position to the soakaway. The seepage from the soakaway of the humic acids carried in the water filtering through the horn cores and into the surrounding deposits would have seriously affected the preservation of adjacent material that is susceptible to erosion from humic acids, such as human bone. Grave cut [335] was dug into (1808), the fill of grave cut [1810], dug for burial 1809.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 7-8-2011

Dating Narrative

    • No datable finds were recovered from this feature, but given its function and stratigraphic position it is seen as Roman.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 7-8-2011

Sub Group Matrix

Subgroup Plan


  • Strat. Group: PCO06_257
    • Cluster of burials