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Record View

  • PCO06
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Basic Information

  • Burial. Cut, Skeleton, Fill.
  • 324, 326


  • Context: PCO06_324
    • Legs of skeleton
  • Context: PCO06_325
    • Fill of grave cut 326
  • Context: PCO06_326
    • Possible grave cut - (?)

Subgroup Narrative Text

    • Stratigraphically below ditch cut [316] was (325), the fill of grave cut [326] which was cut for burial 324. The burial was truncated at it's western end by soakaway construction cut [311] and at it's eastern end the grave cut was truncated by pit cut [307]. The fill was a moderately compacted pale green brown coarse sand mixed with flint pebbles. Nails were found within the grave fill, indicating that (325) was the collapsed in fill after a wooden coffin had degraded. The skeleton within the grave was lying supine, east-west. The head would have been at the west end of the grave, although as stated above the upper two thirds of the body had been truncated away by ditch cut [316] and soak-away construction cut [311]. The truncations had resulted in the right femur being the highest bone of the skeleton to have survived in situ, with the remaining upper bones including the pelvis, left femur and patella all being truncated away by the cut [311]. Of the remaining bones, the right and left tibia and fibula's survived and were recorded as lying in extended positions, along with the right femur. The hind extremities, the foot bones, were poorly preserved and the phalanges and tarsal bones were not in situ, although they were recorded as being present in the grave cut. The repositioning of these bones could have resulted from the eastern end of the grave having been truncated by pit cut [307]. This grave was cut into deposit (1808), the fill of grave cut [1810], dug for burial 1809.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 7-8-2011
    • Photos from the evaluation clearly show stones on the knees of the skeleton.
      • Guy Hunt
    • 13-12-2011

Dating Narrative

    • No datable finds were recovered from this feature, but given its function and stratigraphic position it is seen as Roman.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 7-8-2011

Sub Group Matrix

Subgroup Plan


  • Strat. Group: PCO06_257
    • Cluster of burials