- 584 is the masonry of a soakaway. The fills inside the structure suggest a post-medieval date for its use. The main fill of 584 is the very organic and putrid smelling 588 which suggests that the soakaway held cess or at least organic material. 584 is a well built soakaway with varying courses of headers & stretchers, & 2 offset coursings.
- Sara Clancy
- 8-4-2008
- Red brick soakaway
Basic Interp.
- Red brick - unfrogged
- 100mm x 60mm x 230mm to 100mm x 60mm x 100mm
- N/A
- Header x 1, stretcher x 6, header x 1, stretcher x 5, header x 1 (x1 = 1 coursing)
- Soakaway > with the middle of last header coursings offset
- N/A - circular
- Bonding material - whitey grey sandy silt (brick: 0.27m)
- Depth: 100cm; Diameter 150 - 154cm for 52cm in Depth - 100cm in depth; Diameter 164 - 171cm for 48cm in depth - 100cm in depth
- Bricks vary in length (see size of materials) to create the curve of the soakaway wall
Issued to
Sara ClancyIssued on
8-4-2008 -
Compiled by
- Sara Clancy
Compiled on
8-4-2008 -
Checked by
- Chaz Morse