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PCO06_10Organic matter at base of wellGary Webster15-5-2008view
PCO06_126Fill of post holeRuth Rolfe31-7-2008view
PCO06_132poss re-dep clayey layer, 40LElisabet Schager5-8-2008view
PCO06_142Fill around skeleton. 40LRuth Rolfe14-8-2008view
PCO06_14540LFergal O'Donoghue15-8-2008view
PCO06_18Soil sample within grave cut 871Sara Clancy15-5-2008view
PCO06_184Posthole [1796] fillCeri Shipton8-9-2008view
PCO06_185Layer containing disturbed cremationCeri Shipton9-9-2008view
PCO06_201Sample from fill around crem urnElisabet Schager12-9-2008view
PCO06_209Sample from pelvic area of 1858Greg Crees16-9-2008view
PCO06_210Sample from stomach of 1858Greg Crees16-9-2008view
PCO06_225Fill of grave 1919 from foot areaChaz Morse19-9-2008view
PCO06_25Soil from (1050) containing cremation urn (1049)Elisabet Schager5-6-2008view
PCO06_254fill of pit cut 2076Chaz Morse30-9-2008view
PCO06_255fill of pit cut 2091Chaz Morse30-9-2008view
PCO06_29Fill from possible cremation burialGreg Crees6-6-2008view
PCO06_32Fill from burial [1006] 2 x bagsGreg Crees6-6-2008view
PCO06_47Possible cremationDavid Ross11-6-2008view
PCO06_48Dark/black deposit containing charcoal and burnt boneElisabet Schager11-6-2008view
PCO06_50Black silt core from Horn pitRuth Rolfe12-6-2008view
PCO06_60Fill of possible cremationDavid Ross17-6-2008view
PCO06_7320L, redeposited cremation in fillDavid Ross25-6-2008view
PCO06_838L, This part of the fill was sampled from around and in urn (1222)Elisabet Schager26-6-2008view
Total Pages:  1Total Results: 23