Context | Context Type | Short Description | Issued to | Issued on | Options |
PCO06_1944 | Deposit | Fill of [1945] | Ashley Pooley | 19-9-2008 | |
PCO06_1945 | Cut | 16/17th cen. latrine pit (?) | Ashley Pooley | 19-9-2008 | |
PCO06_2011 | Deposit | Top fill of 2013 | Ashley Pooley | 25-9-2008 | |
PCO06_2012 | Deposit | Lower fill of 2013 | Ashley Pooley | 25-9-2008 | |
PCO06_2013 | Cut | Rectangular EPM pit cut, possibly a cess pit | Ashley Pooley | 25-9-2008 | |
PCO06_529 | Deposit | Fill of 530 | Fergal O'Donoghue | 27-3-2008 | |
PCO06_803 | Deposit | Fill in 530 - Roman poo? | Chaz Morse | 8-5-2008 | |
PCO06_842 | Deposit | Fill of 843 | Ashley Pooley | 13-5-2008 | |
PCO06_843 | Cut | Post-Med circular pit | Ashley Pooley | 13-5-2008 |