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ContextContext TypeShort DescriptionIssued toIssued onOptions
PCO06_1079DepositFill of [1080]Greg Crees6-6-2008view
PCO06_1080CutCut of pit - possible grave?Greg Crees6-6-2008view
PCO06_1115DepositFill of [1116]Łukasz Dobosz13-6-2008view
PCO06_1116CutCut of pitŁukasz Dobosz13-6-2008view
PCO06_1143DepositFill of [1144]Fergal O'Donoghue18-6-2008view
PCO06_1144CutCut for (1143)Fergal O'Donoghue18-6-2008view
PCO06_1146DepositBackfill of (1147)Ashley Pooley19-6-2008view
PCO06_1147MasonryLimestone late Roman drainage feature. Ashley Pooley19-6-2008view
PCO06_1148DepositBackfill of [1149]Ashley Pooley19-6-2008view
PCO06_1149CutConstruction cut for (1147)Ashley Pooley19-6-2008view
PCO06_1150DepositLower fill of [1144]Fergal O'Donoghue19-6-2008view
PCO06_1161CutPossible pitDavid Ross20-6-2008view
PCO06_1189DepositFill of Big pit (Silty gravel) [1191]Anies Hassan24-6-2008view
PCO06_1190DepositFill of Big Pit (clayey silt) [1191]Anies Hassan24-6-2008view
PCO06_1191CutPitAnies Hassan24-6-2008view
PCO06_1202DepositFill of [1203]Greg Crees25-6-2008view
PCO06_1203CutCut of pit mostly in 525/95 and 525/100Greg Crees25-6-2008view
PCO06_1204DepositFill of [1205]Greg Crees25-6-2008view
PCO06_1205CutCut of pit in grid sq 525/100Greg Crees25-6-2008view
PCO06_1305CutCut of pit (cut by 1268 wall)William Clark4-7-2008view
PCO06_1306DepositFill of pit [1305]William Clark4-7-2008view
PCO06_1321CutPit cutAshley Pooley7-7-2008view
PCO06_1322DepositFill of Big PitRuth Rolfe8-7-2008view
PCO06_1327DepositFill of Pit [1326]William Clark8-7-2008view
PCO06_1341DepositFill of a cut [1348] (lower fill)Adrian Carreton9-7-2008view
Total Pages:  5Total Results: 121