Sub Group | Basic Interp. | Short Description | Context | Options | PCO06_257 | Poss? Cremation | Redeposited cremation | PCO06_1129 | |
PCO06_308 | Poss? Cremation | Redeposited cremation | | |
PCO06_330 | Poss? Cremation | Redeposited cremation in a shallow cut | | |
PCO06_52 | Poss? Cremation | Cremation or Pit. Specialist to confirm. | | |
PCO06_56 | Poss? Cremation | Cremation or Pit. Specialist to confirm.
| | |
PCO06_59 | Poss? Cremation | Cremation or Pit. Specialist to confirm. | | |
PCO06_62 | Poss? Cremation | Cremation or Pit. Specialist to confirm. | | |
PCO06_64 | Poss? Cremation | Cremation or Pit. Specialist to confirm. | | |
PCO06_66 | Poss? Cremation | Cremation or Pit. Specialist to confirm. | | |
PCO06_68 | Poss? Cremation | Cremation or Pit. Specialist to confirm.
| | |
PCO06_69 | Poss? Cremation | Cremation or Pit. Specialist to confirm. | | |
PCO06_70 | Poss? Cremation | Cremation or Pit. Specialist to confirm. | | |
PCO06_72 | Poss? Cremation | Possible cremation. This is a small pit next to a grave containing an urn. May be grave goods. Specialist to confirm cremated bone. | | |
PCO06_75 | Poss? Cremation | Posthole or possibly a cremation. Specialist to advise. Most likely post hole with residual HR. | | |
PCO06_80 | Poss? Cremation | Cremation or posthole. Specialist to advise. - Its a cremation. | | |