13th May 2008, 24 Photos

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Pit [817] Base of brick lined pit (Zone 1) The Big Quarry Pit Looking East Paula Contemplates Zone 1 looking East Zone 1 North Side Zone 1 South Side Anies, Tom and a Ditch Anies in a rut On the edge of Zone 2 Zone 1 looking North West Zone 1 seen from Zone 2 Zone 1 Heavy Pittage Looking down over the big quarry pit from the North Looking down over the big quarry pit from the North Greg, Dave and a linear Zone 1 from the North East Box sections of the quarry pit and a later pit Machine excavation of the quarry pit The team await the machine Chaz carefully excavating with the big yellow trowel Machine excavation of the quarry pit The team await the machine Pit [843]