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Basic Information

  • Cluster of Roman burial features

Sub Groups

  • Sub Group: PCO06_12
    • Burial. Cut, Skeleton, Fill.
  • Sub Group: PCO06_13
    • Burial. Cut, Skeleton, Fill.
  • Sub Group: PCO06_48
    • Burial. Cut, 2 Fills. Shale bracelet. Skeleton missing, poor preservation.

Group Description

    • This group is composed of a small cluster of burials that were positioned closely to each other but were not intercutting. So if they did deliberately respect one another then their positions would have been marked, and if marked then there is a strong possibility of the burials in the plot having a family connection. Cuts [1056] and [1078] were both dug into (1038), the fill of grave cut [1037]. This heavy truncation and the high acidity in the gravels of the site area has been seen as explaining why interred skeleton 1039 was quite heavily eroded and only elements of the upper body survived. Grave goods such as shale beads were also noted to have survived in the grave. Grave cut [1037] was dug into the natural gravels, and was the earliest feature in its relative stratigraphic sequence. Post Medieval construction cut [2182] was dug into (1070), fill of Roman grave [1069]. The grave contained inhumation 1071, which had been subject to such poor preservation that by the time of excavation only fragments of the long bones remained. Cut [1069] was the earliest stratigraphic feature in this area of the site. Underlying the Post Medieval soils was (1076), the secondary grave fill of cut [1078] that also held primary fill (1077). The acidic soil conditions had lead to the interred skeleton being eroded away.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 1-11-2011

Dating Information

    • The datable material recovered from these burials was dated to 200-400AD, and so they are seen as relatively late in the sites use as a cemetery site.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 1-11-2011