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Sub GroupBasic Interp.Short DescriptionContextOptions
PCO06_131MasonryRemains of heavily truncated drainviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
PCO06_149Masonry19thC walling and associated featuresviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
PCO06_169MasonryHeavily truncated floor slab
  • PCO06_698
  • viewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_170Masonry19thC wall
  • PCO06_511
  • viewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_175MasonryDump of building rubble
  • PCO06_568
  • viewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_176MasonryTwo heavily truncated floor slabsviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_181MasonryBrick floor and wallviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_192MasonryPM foundationsviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_196MasonryPM N-S wall
  • PCO06_689
  • viewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_198MasonryPM wallingviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_199MasonryPM foundationsviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_200MasonryVoid...viewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_219MasonryCollection of PM walls, possibly a form of shed or garden buildingviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_220MasonryCut for garden buildings
  • PCO06_2170
  • viewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_236MasonryWall, construction cut, and back fill. viewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_275MasonryFoundations of buildings fronting on to Prescot Streetviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_276MasonryFoundations of buildings fronting on to Prescot Streetviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_277MasonryWall facade on Prescot Stviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_292MasonryWall and construction cutviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_309MasonryModern masonryviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_310MasonryWall and construction cutviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_311MasonryFireplace, cut and ash depositviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_312MasonryWall, basement slab and construction cutviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_313MasonryMasonry and associated fills viewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    PCO06_319MasonryFloor slab, make-up rubble, construction cutviewfailed to get markup 'enter'edit
    Total Pages:  2Total Results: 45