Sub Group | Short Description | Taken By | Taken On | Options | PCO06_1 | Grave, Pot with fill | Gary Webster | 30-4-2008 |  |
PCO06_10 | Organic matter at base of well | Gary Webster | 15-5-2008 |  |
PCO06_100 | Sample pit near skulls | Gary Webster | 8-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_101 | Fill of possible cremtion | Greg Crees | 9-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_102 | Fill of possible cremation | Ruth Rolfe | 9-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_103 | 40L; Fill of Late Medieval ditch | Fergal O'Donoghue | 10-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_104 | Fill of Possible cremation | Gary Webster | 10-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_106 | Fill of cut [1346] cremation debris | William Clark | 10-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_108 | Fill of Grave | Gary Webster | 10-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_11 | Organic rich fill of 639 | Chaz Morse | 15-5-2008 |  |
PCO06_110 | Possible cremation | Adrian Carreton | 11-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_113 | Sample from burial possibly contains pieces of bone | Elisabet Schager | 18-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_115 | Fill from hands of skelly 1436 | Gary Webster | 24-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_116 | Fill from feet of skelly 1436 | Gary Webster | 24-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_117 | Fill from head of skelly 1436 | Gary Webster | 24-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_118 | Fill from stomach of skelly 1436 | Gary Webster | 24-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_119 | Fill of very small pit | Ruth Rolfe | 25-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_12 | Soil sample from feet (l & r) of 870 | Sara Clancy | 15-5-2008 |  |
PCO06_120 | Fill of gully/beam slot | Ruth Rolfe | 25-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_122 | Fill of a linear (Roman boundary?) 40L | Elisabet Schager | 28-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_123 | Lower fill of [1373], 40L | Gary Webster | 28-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_124 | Disturbed Cremation burial in pit | Greg Crees | 28-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_127 | Disturbed cremation burial in layer | Greg Crees | 31-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_128 | Fill of linear - poss ditch or drain | Elisabet Schager | 31-7-2008 |  |
PCO06_129 | Overflow of box drain [1406], 40L | Fergal O'Donoghue | 31-7-2008 |  |