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Basic Information

  • Cremation. Chest burial. Grave goods.
  • 1817 1801


  • Context: PCO06_1801
    • Cut for chest cremation burial very rich in grave goods
  • Context: PCO06_1802
    • Backfill of cut [1801], which was dug for chest burial (1817).
  • Context: PCO06_1816
    • Cremation in chest burial (1817), in cut [1801], in grid sq 575/95
  • Context: PCO06_1817
    • Chest containing cremation 1816 and associated with a range of very rich grave goods.

Subgroup Narrative Text

    • Context [2175], the cut for cremation (1837), was dug into (1802) the backfill cut [1801], which was dug for wooden chest burial(1817), which contained cremation (1816). The chest (1817) was completely degraded by the time of excavation, but its presence was indicated by positioning of iron fittings and nails. Associated with the chest were significant finds in the form of three glass vessels, reg. finds 185, 186, and 187, of which two were intact. Context (1817) was also associated with a rare millefiore plate constructed with red, white and blue glass, (small find no. 183). The chest functioned as a burial container for cremation (1816), and was lain in cut within cut [1801]. Therefore cremation (1837) was a secondary burial deposit in the same plot as cremation (1816), and raises notions that burial in specific locations was a deliberate act, possibly motivated by family ties.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 7-12-2010

Dating Narrative

    • This is a significant burial group which requires further study, but on the latest evidence the glass and ceramics have been dated to the late 3rd century.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 7-12-2010

Sub Group Matrix

Subgroup Plan


  • Strat. Group: PCO06_272
    • Rich cremation burials