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Basic Information

  • Burial. Cut, Skeleton, Fill. Chalk packed, several vessels as grave goods.
  • 2129 2130


  • Context: PCO06_2128
    • backfill in cut/grave [2130]
  • Context: PCO06_2129
    • Skeleton in [2130]
  • Context: PCO06_2130
    • Grave cut for skeleton (2129)
  • Context: PCO06_2143
    • Chalk deposit under skeleton (2129)

Subgroup Narrative Text

    • Cut by post hole [2109] and linear [2137] was (2128) (sampled as <274> <275>), the fill of grave cut [2130]. This grave cut was dug for burial (2129), an extended east-west burial. It was well preserved, but slumping of the grave in its southern side resulting from a post Medieval truncation just to the north of the grave, had disturbed the burial. The inhumation had associated burial goods of three dishes and one jar. The interred burial was placed on a chalk bed, the shape of which suggests the presence of a coffin which did not survive. Burial cut [2130] was dug into the natural gravels and was one of the earliest features in this area of the site.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 7-12-2010

Dating Narrative

    • Four datable ceramics were recovered from this feature, all of which were dated to 180-400AD.
      • Chaz Morse
    • 7-12-2010

Subgroup Plan


  • Strat. Group: PCO06_197
    • Roman burial