- Large 'gravel pit'. Fill within it slopes down from S to N. Although this has been given a single cut number it is likely that there has been a lot of re-cutting and 'pitting' where the irregular base reflects this.
- Anies Hassan
- 6-5-2008
- Same as 1015
- Chaz Morse
- 22-5-2008
- Cut of large gravel pit
Basic Interp.
Stratigraphic Matrix
- Roughly rectangular within L.O.E.
- Roughly rounded
- 11.7m (E-W) x 4.7m (N-S) x 1.50m (depth)
- Sharp
- Vertical
- Varied - sharp to rounded
- Irregular
- E-W
- N/A
- By [989]
- -
Issued to
Anies HassanIssued on
5-6-2008 -
Compiled by
Compiled on
Checked by
- Chaz Morse